Being a LeadingAge Illinois member means having loads of benefits at your fingertips, including a rich library of resources; networking and learning opportunities; listserves; our online membership directory; and much, much more.
As a member of LeadingAge Illinois, you have our promise that we’ll work hard to deliver on your membership investment by providing your organization’s staff with solid education, advocacy, cost-saving solutions and technical resources, and support. Check out our 2023 accomplishments! And, if you’re a joint member of LeadingAge, here’s what we’ve accomplished together at the national level in 2023!
Want to make the most of your membership? We bring you timely information with a variety of publications that cover topics ranging from changing regulations to evolving trends and best practices. Check out these publications and access critical tools and strategies designed to advance excellence in older adult services:
- The LEAD – our weekly newsletter – delivering the latest information directly to your inbox
- LeadingAge Insights – a collection of tools to help members better understand their own performance and their market position. Available free of charge to LeadingAge provider members.
- Five Star Reports – quarterly comprehensive analyses that explain the three components of the 5-Star rating – inspections, staffing hours per resident day and QMs – and indicates where to focus your improvement efforts.
- Access to ValueFirst, a group purchasing organization (GPO) that provides free, no obligation services for senior living communities that can reduce their operational costs through discounted pricing and rebates on food, medical, environmental and office supplies as well as capital equipment.
- Resource Library loaded with toolkits, papers, samples and best practices
- LeadingAge Illinois Advocacy Center
- Member Alerts keeping members updated from the inbox
- Legislative and Regulatory Updates sent directly to your inbox
- Partners in Quality legislative visits educate legislators on our field’s challenges and opportunities
- The LeadingAge Illinois Political Action Committee (PAC) is a bipartisan, voluntary, not-for-profit organization representing professional men and women in the field of older adult care and services
Join Us
Not a member yet? Learn about joining LeadingAge Illinois here.
Frustrated with your managed care contracts? We have the answer.
LeadingAge Illinois has partnered with the Illinois Aging Services Network (ILASN) to help members navigate the challenges associated with managed care contracting. Access to the network is ONLY available to LeadingAge Illinois members in good standing.
ILASN membership gives your organization the negotiating power it deserves. ILASN provides its members a myriad of services including:
- Access to managed care contracts that offer better reimbursement rates.
- Contract management support so your agency can spend less time chasing claims.
- Peer-to-peer learning opportunities so your organization can improve its management practices.
- A robust quality program to improve quality metrics and see improved performance of value-based arrangements.
- …And much more!
All LeadingAge Illinois long-term care provider members are encouraged to apply for membership. Get more from your managed care contracts so you can spend more time on what really matters – your residents.
Learn more about ILASN’s Member Benefits
Apply for ILASN Membership today!