LeadingAge Illinois PAC

The LeadingAge Illinois Political Action Committee (PAC) is a bipartisan, voluntary, not-for-profit organization representing professional men and women in the field of older adult care and services. Affiliated with LeadingAge Illinois, the PAC was created to support LeadingAge Illiinois’ friends in the Illinois Legislature and also to gain access to those legislators who may not be current on issues affecting our profession.

Contact Jason Speaks for additional information.

Donate to the LeadingAge Illinois PAC via PayPal


LeadingAge Illinois PAC Board:
Scott Studebaker, Chair 
Michael Mutterer 
Colleen Bottens
Bill DeYoung 
Michael Flynn
John Larson
William Lowe
Elizabeth McLaren
Dan Merriman
Diane Oremovich
Matt Reihle

A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is available on the Board’s official website or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois.