July 2022

27Jul10:30 a.m.11:30 a.m.Virtual EventCMS Five Star Staffing Updates as of July 2022Webinar

Event Details

CMS Five Star Staffing Updates as of July 2022

This session will explain the updates to the staffing portion of the CMS Five Star rating, including what new information is required to be reported, updates to how the star rating is calculated, and impact on overall Five Star rating.  We will provide examples of financial impacts of the Five Star rating, such as impact on new Illinois Medicaid rate setting, potential impacts on some Medicare Advantage plans, and cost for facilities to maintain a certain staffing star rating. We will also provide a brief overview of the total Five Star rating.


  1. Provide an understanding of the CMS changes to the Five Star staffing requirements and rating calculation.
  2. Utilizing facility examples, demonstrate the financial implications of the changes in the staffing rating.
  3. Review the overall CMS Five Star rating and how the staffing component impacts the overall star rating at each facility.

1.0 CEs will be offered for this webinar.

Date and Time

Wednesday, July 27, 2022
10:30 am – 11:30 am, CST


  • Deb D. Emerson, CPA, RAC-CT, RAC-CTA, CliftonLarsonAllen

Who Should Attend?

CEO, CFO, COO, Nursing Home Administrators, and Clinical Leadership who work in Skilled Nursing Homes and Life Plan Communities


This webinar is free for LeadingAge Illinois members.

Register for your personalized Zoom link here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_naySmpQVQd2CDWZDo_aLsw



(Wednesday) 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Virtual Event Details

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